народна майстер України
folk master of Ukraine


Legedzino, Cherkassy region, UKRAINE



Дружка (авторська інтерпретація ляльки Кіри Кононенко з Обухівщини




16 years ago, when our granddaughter was born, I wanted to make an unusual gift for her, which you can’t buy in a store. I made a special motanka doll, then another one… this is the best addiction: the need to make a doll every day 😉
For more than 5 years I also inspired bymaking traditional Ukrainian folk Christmas decoration – a HARVEST symbol.
I live now in Legedzine in the place of ancient Trypillya culture (6500 B.C.) Women in Trypilla also made folk dolls for children.
I participate in charity projects and important exhibitions, dedicated to Holodomor, artificial hunger 1932-1933. I exhibit my works even now, in 2022-2023, war years.
When war started, I was completely shocked, frozen and could not think about creative things. War and creative process seems to be opposite for me. But some volunteers asked me to make few protective dolls and it unfrozen me. I understood that people want to live even during war time.


16 років тому у нас народилася внучка, хотіла для неї незвичайний подарунок, який не купиш в магазині, виготовила лялечку, потім іншу… це найкраща залежнісь: потреба виготовляти кожен день 😉 , вже більше 5 років захопилася виготовленням Дідухів – традиційної української народної різдвяної прикраси – символу ВРОЖАЮ