Healing together through art.
From heart to heart.
テーマは「アートを通して共に癒しを 心から心へ」です。
2024年を振り返り、皆様の揺る ぎない寛大さと温かいご支援に、 心からの感謝の気持ちで胸がいっ ぱいです。
皆様のサポートのおか げで、私たちは多くの戦争地帯の子どもたちに手を差し伸べ、
アー トワークショップを通じた癒しと、かけがえのない喜びと安心の ひとときを届けることができました。
皆様の貢献は単なる数字を超え つながりの糸となり、思いやりの 象徴となり、暗闇の中の希望の光 となりました。
子どもたちの笑顔、一瞬の笑い 声、癒しへの一歩一歩に、皆様の 温かさと思いやりが込められてい ます。
希望を 必要とする場所へと届けるという 共通の使命を続けてまいります。
新しい年が、平和と自由をもたら し、私たちの努力がより明るい明 日への道を照らし続けますよう に。
心からの感謝と希望を込めて 平和を願って
Dear Motanka Masters,
With deep gratitude and admiration, we thank you for sharing your extraordinary art and the profound spirit of your culture with us through the 100 Motanka for Peace exhibition (2023–2024).
Each thread, knot, and detail in your dolls carries not only your skill and creativity but also a message of resilience, hope, and love. Through your art, you have not only preserved tradition but also touched hearts across borders and brought light to children living in the shadows of war.
Your contribution is more than artistic; it is an act of solidarity, a bridge of understanding, and a symbol of unwavering courage.
As we step into 2025, we carry your vision with us – a world where children can play without fear, where homes are filled with laughter instead of sirens, and where every hand can create freely without trembling.
May peace and freedom be our shared reality in the coming year.
With heartfelt thanks and unwavering hope,
The 100 Motanka for Peace Team
The power of connection through love “aitsugi" has made this exhibition possible.
It is shocking that another major war would occur in the 21st century…
My eyes have been full of tears for more than a year because of the atrocities and crimes
committed by Russian invaders against the innocent civilians in Ukraine.
Just as the feeling of despair and helplessness started to consume me I encountered the traditional Motanka dolls and felt their spirit and strength.
Little did I know at that time about the power, strength, resilience and love of those masters who make them and Marina who collected them.
Thanks to them and Marina this exhibition came into being.
From this experience the theme of the exhibition was born: Healing together through art. From heart to heart.
The tradition of Motanka talisman dolls has been passed down for generations in Ukraine.
With a deep wish for peace, a total of 100 Motanka will be exhibited, including those made by Ukrainian masters,
people in Japan and abroad, and children who are now in Ukrainian shelters.
Won’t you join us in delivering hope through this Motanka exhibition, which represents the power of love, care, and connection.
Organizer: heart1
Supporters in Ukraine
Team Ukrainian
Ukrainian Art Experience was our coordinators in Ukraine:
communicating with folk masters, collecting the dolls, packing-sending them to Japan, organizing information and permissions from masters, translating from Ukrainian, organizing master-classes in Ukraine, connecting us with all supporters in Ukraine.
We highly appreciate great efforts and support from community of motanka’s maker masters from Ukraine
“UKRAINE-EUROPE-WORLD” and personally
Tetiana Zolochevska and
Olena Gromova for their active position and help.
We thank members of this community and other participating motanka masters for donation of 100+ motanka’s for charity exhibition and charity auction for supporting PEACE in Ukraine.
Marina, Marina’s mom, husband ,daughter,and son without whom this exhibition would not be possible.
Marina, her husband and son has made our exhibition possible, receiving, repacking, and sending to us!

We highly appreciate all people, who support this project and supporting PEACE in Ukraine!
We particularly appreciate exceptional efforts of:
Marta Pitchuk , artist from Ukraine, for providing her “Motanka” painting for the exhibition.
Mykola Cherep , eco-house “
Sokolynyi Khutir”, for providing items for the charity auction.
Kateryna Kalinichenko , artist from Ukraine, for providing post-cards with her works for the charity auction
Olena Sopruzhynska , art-therapist from Ukraine, for making master-classes for children in Kyiv region.
Atlas-Group” and
«CHERNIHIV GARMENT FACTORY «ELEGANT» , factories in Ukraine, for provided materials for master-classes.
Supporters in JAPAN
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