Novgorodka, Kyrovograd region, UKRAINE



“Вільна пташка”


Free Bird


I have education as engineer-mechanic, now I am an accountant.

I created the first motanka for myself in 2018. I really liked the process of creating a doll. Now I devote a lot of time to studying the history of the motanka, its place and significance in Ukrainian culture. My works participated in many international competitions, where they received 9 Grand Prix. Also, my works were presented at various exhibitions in museums of Ukraine.

My husband is a farmer, now he defends our country at the frontline. So during this period I had to arrange and make myself all necessary work on our field: sow grain, reap a harvest. And at the same time I made master-class of creative motanka-dolls because motanka is my love and I spend all my free time studying and making motanka.

When I make a doll, I often add empbroidery. For me embroidery is part of soul of Ukraine. When I see new embroidery scheme, I always see new motanka doll, which it will fit. Also I like to make flower wreath for my motanka’s. I often look at very old photographs with traditional costumes to recreate later in some details of my works.


Першу мотанку створила в 2018 році для себе. Дуже сподобався сам процес створення ляльки. Зараз багато часу присвячую вивченню історії виникнення мотанки, її місце і значення в українській культурі. Мої роботи брали участь у багатьох міжнародних конкурсах, де отримали 9 Гран Прі.
Також мої роботи були представлені на різних виставках в музеях України.